
Puzzle solved, now it's boring.

Reading my blog, checking me out on twitter or just knowing me, you guys may have found that I am a huge fan of the medical drama House, MD. It’s my favorite, first, because I see myself in House, except the miserable part (oh you know it, I'm happy), and because that TV series is just plain awesome.

One of the things I like about Dr House is that he’s a puzzle-challenge-experiment guy, like me. I like mystery and puzzles, especially mystery and puzzles about people. I like figuring people out. I wanna know what makes a particular person tick. I want to figure out why they did stuff and how they did it. I'm even using the scientific method, more or less, with the observation-hypothesis-experiment-conclusion pattern. I’m thinking that’s why I major in Psychology. Hell, I'm just like that.

Yep, all that shit in all our heads.

A month ago, I had this puzzle that was very, very confusing. It was one of the biggest mysteries I've ever encountered. And yes, of course I have hypotheses. Problem is, I can’t really reach the conclusion part because I can’t experiment thoroughly, because I was too heartbroken.
Since I can’t do anything while my brain is scolding the shit out of my heart, I decided to let it go, finally have one mystery go unsolved.

Almost three weeks later, I solved it. Turns out I missed the human element of “making assumptions”, one of the greatest assets and weakness of our species. Haha. It was a “eureka!” moment and a #Facepalm moment at the same time: “Eureka!” because I solved it, “#Facepalm” because I could solved it weeks ago.

An ass out of you, really.

Anyway, I gotta admit: inasmuch as the incident broke my heart, I enjoyed it. Now that’s the bitch part of me talking. Hehehe. But seriously, I enjoyed it. It was challenging, it was fun. If only it was a different cast of people involved, I wouldn't have been heartbroken, and I would've enjoyed it more. Oh, the things that puzzle may have led to.

Now it’s over, it’s boring. I don’t care about the cast anymore, any drama that would follow the solution I made, or anymore “follow-ups” to the said puzzle. I solved it, anything that comes after it is just a pitiful cry for attention. It’s over, case over. It’s now boring.

Anyway,dear reader, you may try solving this puzzle.

PS. Don’t forget to embrace your inner bitch, detective.


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