

Ya know pi? I think it’s 3.1416 something something. It is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (yeah yeah boring). I think I first encountered pi in my highschool geometry and trigonometry. Whatever.

Pi is a real number, because it has a specific assigned value (the 3.1416 something). Pi is also irrational, which means that it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers. And because it is a mathematical constant used in almost every mathematics and physics formula involving circles and what not, it is very important.

Love is like pi: real, irrational, and very important.

Love is real
We experience love when we feel connected with other people, when we feel secure. In neurochemistry, one experiences love when he/she has a certain concoction of neurochemicals like endorphin and serotonin. Love has evolved through evolution. The idea of love is common in things that we like (promotes survival) and things that we hate (threatens survival). Basic species attraction or favoritism, which in humans lead to varying degrees/amounts of love, is key to evolution and adaptation. Love has survival value inasmuch as it gives value to survival.

Love is irrational
Observe people in love. Often they would be involved in rituals like anniversaries or activities like lying to the other person so that he/she feels good. “A man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple”, says a Japanese proverb. We see perfection in things that are imperfect. Love is blinding. Sometimes, even when the other person is logically wrong, we still tend to admit it was our fault, just so we don’t argue anymore. Love is stupid and irrational. We cry because we miss them, even though we know crying can’t do anything. We stay up late and try to sleep at the same time as them, even though we know doing that is bad for us. We are ready to spend a lot of money and/or a lot of efforts for a person who sometimes we’re not even sure is ready to do the same for us. We forgive people who hurt us, even though we know their apologies do not suffice the pain they caused.

Love is very important
I can’t think of a world without love. If you can, maybe you’re not expanding your ideas enough. Love isn’t restrained to love between people; there is also love between man and his passions, his pursuits. Without our love for knowledge, we wouldn’t have reached the Renaissance. We wouldn’t have cars, the Simpsons, the internet, Coca Cola. We ourselves wouldn’t even exist.
Love makes the world go round.

And I realized just now, that love, just like Pi, in its true form, is non-repeating and non-terminating. Every love is different from another, and if it is true, it will never end.


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