
The Compass

I just finished reading Tammy Kling's The Compass, a story of guy named Jonathan who traveled in search of answers to his questions and the cure to his pain following the death of his daughter. I wasn't able to find  a pdf to share to you guys, so I suggest you look for it in your favorite bookstore or whatever.

It's an inspirational book. It says that life is a journey, and we are all travelers. We use our compasses to get to where we want to be, but we have to make sure our compass is in sync with reality and the values that shape our very journey.

Here are other quotes I got from the book:

"Sometimes you must let go of the life you had planned in order to make room for the life ahead of you."

"There's no time for warring emotions. We need to make a decision to be happy, despite the death of our dreams. We need to be willing to create new ones."

"Sometimes it takes a season of brokenness in order to find the joy and beauty that comes after transformation."

"Our circumstances can be tragic. But your emotion isn't who you are. Often we humans make the mistake that it is. We believe that emoiton is who we are, but it's not that way at all. That's a trap. You can get trapped in your emotions until tehy become your identiry, until you've lost all direction."

"The most important attitude to hold when moving towad your life goal is to recognize love."

"Happiness means living your life on purpose. We all came to this earth with talents and gifts - your contribution to the world, that you are happiest."


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