I love writing and sharing random stuff.
Ralph and I were talking a while ago. He was kind of sad and unmotivated, so I treated him to fries and Coke float, made a paper folded heart and said motivational stuff. :)
He always tell me how awesome I am, how admirable. Today, I told him how awesome is, good stuff about him, though he refused to believe. I told him maybe he just needed a time off things, maybe to think about what makes him truly whole. That's how I do it.
Not so long ago, I realized a few things about myself, and I set myself on that kind of path. Basically, I like helping people, making people smile, being cheery and supportive. It's what I want to do for the rest of my life: making other's lives bright, or at least make it less dim.
Ate Grace always told me that being proactive and responsible comes with maturity. Taking part in the action towards a solution. I want to help people, it makes me happy and whole. I had the time and experience to realize it, and it's not easy. But I believe it had set me on path that is me, and the path itself motivates me to live and rise up to Life. Remember, the smartest way to get to where you want to be is to have and use the right map.
I hope you find what you are looking for. It's always possible. :)
PS. There have been many page views to my blog lately and I would like to thank my readers =)) Your support encourages me to write more stuff for you guys. Lovelots. :)
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